Installation and User Manuals

For detailed information about the E&TS products featured on this website the following manuals can be downloaded in pdf format.

Latest Versions:

16 to 48 Irrigation Multiwire controllers Mech clock - Click Here
16 to 48 Irrigation Multiwire controllers Digital Clock - Click Here
EvapoMister MK1.2 Controller
EvapoIrrigator Mk1.1 Controller
EvapoIrrigator+ MK1.3 Controller
Day Night Temperature Controller
Single Point temperature Controller
Multi Fan Controller
Motorised Vent controller
Motorised Heat Controller
Relative Humidity Controller

New Mist Wean Controller - Click here
Old Mist and Wean Controller 

Previous Controllers:
4-64 Station Irrigation Controllers

Ratio Mist and Wean contoller